Are you looking to enroll at The King's Academy?
CURRENT STUDENTS: Preschool enrollment information is available on Brightwheel. K-8 students are always automatically re-enrolled and the registration fees will be billed separately.
NEW Preschool Students
1. Sign up to attend the Open House on February 13, 2025, at bit.ly/tkaprek25
2. Attend the Open House (tour the school and ask questions)
3. Turn in the registration form with $150 registration fee (download form here)
For questions, contact the school office at: email shansen@kingsacademylo.com or (573) 693-9245.
NEW K-8 Students​
1. Click the link above to come for a tour or contact the school office at
principal@kingsacademylo.com or (573) 693-9245.
2. Download the form here.
3. Fill out the form and save it.
4. Email it back to us at bdautenhahn@kingsacademylo.com.
​A copy of the 2024-2025 Student Handbook is also available for download below.